Advice from New Parents Part 2

I’ve uncovered a few more “advice to new parents cards” from birth class reunions so it’s time to share more advice that these new parents offer to expectant parents about to face the same journey. The memories are recent for them!


My wife and I just had our 2nd child. Already I’ve found a stark contrast in two areas. One, breastfeeding for my wife did wonders for both her and our daughter’s attitudes. Definitely fight to breastfeed. Also, the second point, taking part in delivering my daughter was one of the best experiences in my life. My 1st was born in a hospital by doctors and I truly regret it. In sum, Moms – breastfeed, Dads – take a step out of your comfort zone and help in labor. 🙂


Be able to bend if your plans change, sometimes it works out for the best.

No matter how pregnant you are, I promise it won’t last forever!! 🙂 If it’s difficult for you being pregnant, find a/your happy place and try and stay as positive as possible. Good luck and God bless.

No matter how much you prepare, the unexpected happens. Roll with it. It’s OK to change your mind about things. Do whatever works best for you and your baby. Trial and error is sometimes the only way to figure things out. Keep trying! You’ll be a baby expert soon!

I think the most important thing is being patient. Know that both labor and all of the growing afterward is a marathon. Keeping baby happy by feeding or burping is about the second most important. It keeps everyone’s stress level down.

Going through a VBAC and never experiencing a natural birth before, I advise you TRUST your body. You are fearfully and wonderfully made, you are designed for this and you just need to trust that everything will be OK. When you feel like giving up, keep going. It’s SO worth it!

If you have a baby that is not a good eater, you should really consider getting an electric breast pump and have daddy help feed! Electric does better and you can pump more milk with it. When my milk production has gone down, pumping with electric was the only thing that got my milk supply back up! When they cry for a long time, just breathe!

Relax! Think happy thoughts and know your baby loves you! 🙂
Swaddle pad!! (available at Babies R Us) -> You will thank me one day!
Do not always follow the books – your baby will make the rules! 🙂
Go with the flow – things will probably not go according to your birth plan. (Be sure to do your Plan B birth plan!)
Stay hydrated! If you’re offered IV fluids, take it! You’ll need it! :p
Prep the grandparents.


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