Birth Story: Rose

My first born son, Brycen Anthony, arrived at 38.5 weeks, weighing in at 9.4. My second son, Calvin Angelo, arrived at 39.2 weeks, weighing 9.2. So thinking “logically” my third would arrive around that time frame in pregnancy. An assumption I would learn to regret… At 39.3 weeks, Friday February 27th, I emailed the midwife … Continue reading “Birth Story: Rose”

Birth Story: Aryanette Braelyn

{second baby: unintentional unassisted home birth} I conceived right around my son Hendrik Gavin‘s first birthday. I had a weird feeling throughout my whole pregnancy that she was going to come earlier than my son (9 days past his estimated due date (EDD) and faster (my son was 6 hours). The midwives said that every … Continue reading “Birth Story: Aryanette Braelyn”

Birth Story: Oliver Michael-Thomas

{second baby: VBAC at home} I’m kind of a baby when it comes to pain. I stub my toe, I scream; I get a sunburn and I whine until it goes away; I get a paper cut and everyone hears about it. Additionally, having a home birth isn’t for everyone; it’s an uphill battle from … Continue reading “Birth Story: Oliver Michael-Thomas”

Birth Story: Samuel Raymond

{first baby, hospital birth} A lot of people knew that we were hoping for a low intervention birth. I have no problem with women making their own decisions about pain management in labor, and I don’t think there is anything wrong with getting or planning to get an epidural. However, for a few reasons I … Continue reading “Birth Story: Samuel Raymond”

Birth Story: Logan Samuel

{first baby, birth center birth} Beginning at week 37, when you’re considered to be full term, I of course began looking for every possible sign that labor was near. I had been practicing hypnobirthing a couple of months prior through a book and cd that offered positive affirmations and a relaxation hypnosis session. I would … Continue reading “Birth Story: Logan Samuel”

Birth Story: The Unintentionally Unassisted Birth of Beck Zavier

{second child, intended birth center birth turned unassisted home birth} Saturday, October 6, 2012: I started cooking dinner around 6 pm. I had been having contractions all week, including the previous Friday (September 28th) in which contractions were consistently 10-12 minutes apart. I decided to start timing them after having a few in an hour. … Continue reading “Birth Story: The Unintentionally Unassisted Birth of Beck Zavier”

Surrogate Birth Story: Baby S

{second baby, first out-of-hospital birth, surrogate} I was a surrogate for some friends of mine, I’ll call them Momma S and Daddy S. We had a wonderful pregnancy! They were able to come to every midwife appointment, and were in every way involved in the pregnancy and birth of their baby boy. At 40 weeks … Continue reading “Surrogate Birth Story: Baby S”

Birth Story: Eleanor Mae

{first baby, birth center birth} I’m happy to share the beautiful birth slideshow of baby Eleanor Mae, who was waterborn on July 10, 2012 at Birthways Family Birth Center. Thank you to her parents and the amazing birth and family photographer, Jessica Adkins of, for sharing this. See the birth story told on video … Continue reading “Birth Story: Eleanor Mae”