Birth Story: Jason Andrew

October 2, 2008 {Jamie & Luke welcome another son.} This birth was definitely different than Paul’s in many ways. I’ve decided that birth is more mental (in a way) than physical. At least the laboring part is. We moved back last summer an extra hour (2 total) from Christina. Because Paul’s birth was only 4 hours … Continue reading “Birth Story: Jason Andrew”

Birth Story: Lucy Elise

September 21, 2008 {Daniela & Jason: Homebirth despite insurance worries!} After months of fretting about having Lucy in the hospital, we made a last minute switch back to the midwife, Christina, to have Lucy at home. All along I hated the idea of going to the hospital, but chose to do this just because my … Continue reading “Birth Story: Lucy Elise”

Birth Story: EliYah

July 28, 2008 {Stephanie & Michael: A wonderful home birth experience!} Labor started Friday night at midnight, July 26th 2008. I had learned in The Bradley Method class that you have 3 emotional signs you go through during labor. Excitement, Seriousness and Discouragement. I started labor with the third emotion. Discouragement. I was suddenly very … Continue reading “Birth Story: EliYah”

Birth Story: Zia Nakya Grai

May 31, 2008 {Amanda & Chris: An intended homebirth turned hospital birth.} Homebirths were introduced to me at a young age. So young, that it never really made anything BUT sense. At fifteen, I envisioned the birth of my first child. Surrounded by candles, in a gorgeous tub, with soft lighting and a loving man … Continue reading “Birth Story: Zia Nakya Grai”