July 1, 2009 {Krista & Chico: A long, long labor…} My birthing journey began late in the night on Sunday the 28th of June. I remember waking up with slight cramping that I had never quite experienced throughout my pregnancy thus far. A slight anticipation came over me wondering if this could possibly be the … Continue reading “Birth Story: Riley”
Category: Birth Stories
ButterflyBirth Babies
It is such an honor to share in the birthing space of a family, whether in person as a member of the birth team or as a reader of the mother’s account of that day. Enjoy these inspiring and unique birth stories – home births, birth center births, transfers and hospital births – and thank you to all my students and/or doula clients who shared them! We hope these give you a sense of the local birth community and the wonderful variety of providers, experiences and options we have available.
Birth Story: Oliver
May 7, 2009 {Ellen & Tony: roaring like a crazy lion viking warrior} I’ve been meaning to email you but you know how crazy things get! So Oliver was born at 8:53 am on Wednesday morning and weighed exactly 7 lbs. On Tuesday morning at 3:30 am I had gotten up to pee and water … Continue reading “Birth Story: Oliver”
Birth Story: Eveley Gene
April 8, 2009 {Michelle & Danny welcome a little girl at home much to the joy of the new big brother!} When we found out we were expecting our second child, Danny and I were both ecstatic. I knew I wanted this birth experience to be different than the first time with the birth of … Continue reading “Birth Story: Eveley Gene”
Birth Story: Jason Andrew
October 2, 2008 {Jamie & Luke welcome another son.} This birth was definitely different than Paul’s in many ways. I’ve decided that birth is more mental (in a way) than physical. At least the laboring part is. We moved back last summer an extra hour (2 total) from Christina. Because Paul’s birth was only 4 hours … Continue reading “Birth Story: Jason Andrew”
Birth Story: Lucy Elise
September 21, 2008 {Daniela & Jason: Homebirth despite insurance worries!} After months of fretting about having Lucy in the hospital, we made a last minute switch back to the midwife, Christina, to have Lucy at home. All along I hated the idea of going to the hospital, but chose to do this just because my … Continue reading “Birth Story: Lucy Elise”
Birth Story: EliYah
July 28, 2008 {Stephanie & Michael: A wonderful home birth experience!} Labor started Friday night at midnight, July 26th 2008. I had learned in The Bradley Method class that you have 3 emotional signs you go through during labor. Excitement, Seriousness and Discouragement. I started labor with the third emotion. Discouragement. I was suddenly very … Continue reading “Birth Story: EliYah”
Birth Story: Cora Elizabeth
December 26, 2007 {Michelle & Dan: home waterbirth of third child} This was my 3rd homebirth, but in a new state, with a new midwife. I labored in the water with my first 2 children, but my midwife had me get out to push both times. I was convinced that I could not push effectively … Continue reading “Birth Story: Cora Elizabeth”
Birth Story: Olivia Tulip
June 30, 2008 {Jennifer & John welcome a girl in a birth center waterbirth.} I truly had a wonderful L&D experience. From start to finish the whole thing lasted only 13 hours. I’m so glad that I took the time to prepare and educate myself so that I could have the delivery that I wanted. … Continue reading “Birth Story: Olivia Tulip”
Birth Story: Zia Nakya Grai
May 31, 2008 {Amanda & Chris: An intended homebirth turned hospital birth.} Homebirths were introduced to me at a young age. So young, that it never really made anything BUT sense. At fifteen, I envisioned the birth of my first child. Surrounded by candles, in a gorgeous tub, with soft lighting and a loving man … Continue reading “Birth Story: Zia Nakya Grai”