A Letter to Family & Friends about Welcoming A New Baby

This is a sample letter to family and friends who will have contact with an older sibling in the days following the birth of a new baby. This letter was designed to share with them the parents’ philosophy about the way they would like the older child to be treated. For example, it suggests that relatives … Continue reading “A Letter to Family & Friends about Welcoming A New Baby”

Creative Art Therapy for Birth Preparation, Birth Trauma or Pregnancy Loss

Not an artist? Think you don’t have a creative bone in your body? Don’t worry – you don’t need that to be able to get some healing and comfort from creative expression. In fact, it’s a very powerful tool for many women as they prepare for birth and want to face any fears they may … Continue reading “Creative Art Therapy for Birth Preparation, Birth Trauma or Pregnancy Loss”

Why is Breastfeeding Like a Hot Wing Eating Contest?

I am so very grateful to be able to share this guest post from a wonderful and inspiring woman, Nyssa Retter, who took my classes in her third pregnancy and has inspired me ever since. Please check out her blog which chronicles her journey with IGT (Insufficient Glandular Tissue). Breastfeeding Problems: Why is Breastfeeding Like … Continue reading “Why is Breastfeeding Like a Hot Wing Eating Contest?”