
Birth Story: Jason Andrew

October 2, 2008 {Jamie & Luke welcome another son.} This birth was definitely different than Paul’s in many ways. I’ve decided that birth is more mental (in a way) than physical. At least the laboring part is. We moved back last summer an extra hour (2 total) from Christina. Because Paul’s birth was only 4 hours … Continue reading “Birth Story: Jason Andrew”

Birth Story: Lucy Elise

September 21, 2008 {Daniela & Jason: Homebirth despite insurance worries!} After months of fretting about having Lucy in the hospital, we made a last minute switch back to the midwife, Christina, to have Lucy at home. All along I hated the idea of going to the hospital, but chose to do this just because my … Continue reading “Birth Story: Lucy Elise”

Birth Story: EliYah

July 28, 2008 {Stephanie & Michael: A wonderful home birth experience!} Labor started Friday night at midnight, July 26th 2008. I had learned in The Bradley Method class that you have 3 emotional signs you go through during labor. Excitement, Seriousness and Discouragement. I started labor with the third emotion. Discouragement. I was suddenly very … Continue reading “Birth Story: EliYah”

Birth Story: Zia Nakya Grai

May 31, 2008 {Amanda & Chris: An intended homebirth turned hospital birth.} Homebirths were introduced to me at a young age. So young, that it never really made anything BUT sense. At fifteen, I envisioned the birth of my first child. Surrounded by candles, in a gorgeous tub, with soft lighting and a loving man … Continue reading “Birth Story: Zia Nakya Grai”

Mochi for More Milk

Mochi is a heavy rice cake made from cooked, pounded sweet brown rice. It is especially good for lactating mothers, as it promotes the production of breast milk. Mochi is found in the refrigerated section of your local organic and whole food stores. Mochi should be thawed (if purchased frozen) and cut into 1-2 inch squares … Continue reading “Mochi for More Milk”

Lactation Boosting Oatmeal Cookies

This recipe for delicious lactation boosting cookies was shared by a student who brought a batch to our childbirth class reunion. Everyone will love these, they’re yummy! Ingredients: 1 Cup butter (or I use 1 ¼ C unsweetened applesauce and 2 Tbs olive oil for less fat/calories) 1 Cup sugar 1 Cup brown sugar 4 … Continue reading “Lactation Boosting Oatmeal Cookies”

Possible Consequences of Poor Prenatal Nutrition

A reality check about how nutrition affects your unborn child You are what you eat – and so is your baby! Over the years, I’ve learned that some women have a hard time adopting a regimen of good prenatal nutrition. They know they should eat well, they know a balanced diet does not mean varying … Continue reading “Possible Consequences of Poor Prenatal Nutrition”

Advice From New Parents: A Common Thread

One of the many things I enjoy about our childbirth class reunions is giving each parent a bit of paper and asking them to write down one piece of advice that they would offer to newly expectant parents. (I then scrapbook these along with our class reunion photos.) Perhaps predictably, much of the advice falls … Continue reading “Advice From New Parents: A Common Thread”